
About this project

A classmate suggested one of our course directors/lecturers creates a syllabus with all the different methods we learned throughout the degree. I had done something similar for my personal use, which prompted me to improve and share it to help my coursemates out.

I wrote two books with R, RMarkdown and the bookdown package, and used GitHub Pages to deploy them. It is still a work in progress.

One last word: the notes are in French.

The books


  • Deploying bookdown on Netlify, using Github Actions

    As I previously expressed, I grew annoyed at having to build the book every time I was changing something minor (or major but that is more understandable). I tried using Wowchemy’s project template to rewrite everything, but there were issues with equation-rendering.

  • Customising a bookdown project

    Here is a list of the major changes on my bookdown project, specifically changes to the regression book. I’m keeping the other one as it is, for comparison’s sake:

  • Next steps for the books

    Time for a checkup on what I need to do/my thoughts on the two books.

  • Hello

    This website is built using Jekyll and the minima theme, deployed by/on GitHub Pages.

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